Source code for pvgeohdf.netcdf

"""This module contains general readers and writers for netCDF formats."""

__all__ = [

__displayname__ = 'netCDF I/O'

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import netCDF4
import vtk

# Import PVGeo helpers:
from PVGeo.base import ReaderBaseBase
from PVGeo import _helpers
from PVGeo import interface

# Import internal helpers:
from .base import netCDFPointsReaderBase, netCDFReaderBase

# SVC Parcels

[docs]class SVCParcelReader(netCDFPointsReaderBase): """SVCParcelReader for Kelton""" __displayname__ = 'SVC Parcel Reader' __category__ = 'reader' def __init__(self, **kwargs): netCDFPointsReaderBase.__init__(self, nOutputPorts=1, outputType='vtkPolyData', **kwargs) self._dataName = kwargs.get('name', 'Data') #### File reading methods ####
[docs] def _ReadUpFront(self): """This parses the loaded dataset to a NumPy ndarray. The first axis represents a time step in the model space. """ # Perform Read self._GetFileContents() ############################################### # TODO: this needs to be generalized for any array names # Allow this to be chosen by user: poskeys = ["parcel_x_pos", "parcel_y_pos", "parcel_z_pos"] ############################### x_pos2 = self._dataSet.variables[poskeys[0]] y_pos2 = self._dataSet.variables[poskeys[1]] z_pos2 = self._dataSet.variables[poskeys[2]] tshape = x_pos2.shape[1] num = x_pos2.shape[0] self._timesteps = [i for i in range(tshape)] # Now get the rest of the data self._keys = list(self._dataSet.variables.keys()) dataArrs = dict() for k in list(self._dataSet.variables.keys()): if k not in poskeys: dataArrs.setdefault(k, self._dataSet.variables[k]) nAtts = len(dataArrs.keys()) # 3D array where first axis is time # and second-third axii are basically a table of XYZ+attributes self._data = np.zeros((tshape, num, 3 + nAtts)) # Add the XYZ points first by convention for PVGeo self._data[:, :, 0] = np.array(x_pos2).swapaxes(0,1) self._data[:, :, 1] = np.array(y_pos2).swapaxes(0,1) self._data[:, :, 2] = np.array(z_pos2).swapaxes(0,1) # Now append all the data arrays i = 3 self._keys = [] for name, d in dataArrs.items(): self._data[:, :, i] = np.array(d).swapaxes(0,1) self._keys.append(name) i += 1 # Mark as read self.NeedToRead(flag=False) return 1
[docs] def _GetRawData(self, idx=0): """Get the Points as numpy ndarrays or pandas dataframe where first three columns are the XYZ coordinates """ # Get the time step then make a data frame data = self._data[idx, :, :] names = ["X", "Y", "Z"] + self._keys df = pd.DataFrame(data=data, columns=names) return df
#### Getters/Setters ####
[docs] def SetDataName(self, name): """This is an example of how to set a property for this reader to use. Note that we do not use this property. """ # WARNING: You must call ``self.Modified`` like below if self._dataName != name: self._dataName = name self.Modified(readAgain=False)
############################################################################### # CMAQ
[docs]class CMAQReader(netCDFReaderBase): """CMAQ read for Ziwei Wu""" __displayname__ = 'CMAQ Reader' __category__ = 'reader' def __init__(self, **kwargs): netCDFReaderBase.__init__(self, nOutputPorts=1, outputType='vtkImageData', **kwargs) self.__shp = None self.__spacing = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] self.__origin = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] #### File reading methods ####
[docs] def _ReadUpFront(self): """This parses the loaded dataset to a NumPy ndarray. The first axis represents a time step in the model space. """ # Perform Read self._GetFileContents() # Set up time shape tflag = self._dataSet.variables['TFLAG'] tshape = tflag.shape[0] # TODO: actually use the time step values from the data file self._timesteps = [i for i in range(tshape)] # Now get the rest of the data self._keys = list(self._dataSet.variables.keys()) self._keys.remove('TFLAG') # Remove tflag in place dataArrs = dict() self.__shp = self._dataSet.variables[self._keys[0]].shape num = self.__shp[1] * self.__shp[2] * self.__shp[3] for k in self._keys: d = np.array(self._dataSet.variables[k]) # Swap the axis dataArrs.setdefault(k, d.reshape((tshape, -1))) if d.shape != self.__shp: raise RuntimeError('Dimension mismatch in the dataset') nAtts = len(dataArrs.keys()) # 3D array where first axis is time # and second-third axii are basically a table of the flattened attributes self._data = np.zeros((tshape, num, nAtts)) # Now append all the data arrays for i, k in enumerate(self._keys): self._data[:, :, i] = np.array(dataArrs[k]) # Mark as read self.NeedToRead(flag=False) return 1
[docs] def _GetRawData(self, idx=0): """Get the Points as numpy ndarrays or pandas dataframe where first three columns are the XYZ coordinates """ # Get the time step then make a data frame data = self._data[idx, :, :] df = pd.DataFrame(data=data, columns=self._keys) return df
[docs] def GetExtent(self, dim=False): if self.__shp is None: self._ReadUpFront() nz, ny, nx = self.__shp[1::] if dim: return (nx, ny, nz) return (0,nx, 0,ny, 0,nz)
#### Algorithm Methods ####
[docs] def RequestData(self, request, inInfo, outInfo): """Used by pipeline to get data for current timestep and populate the output data object. This assumes that ``self._GetRawData()`` will return a dataset ready for PVGeo's ``interface.pointsToPolyData()``. """ # Get output: output = self.GetOutputData(outInfo, 0) # Get requested time index i = _helpers.getRequestedTime(self, outInfo) if self.NeedToRead(): self._ReadUpFront() # Get the data which has already been loaded data = self._GetRawData(idx=i) # Generate the data object nx, ny, nz = self.GetExtent(dim=True) dx, dy, dz = self.__spacing ox, oy, oz = self.__origin output.SetDimensions(nx+1, ny+1, nz+1) output.SetSpacing(dx, dy, dz) output.SetOrigin(ox, oy, oz) # Use table generater and convert because its easy: table = vtk.vtkTable() interface.dataFrameToTable(data, table) # now get arrays from table and add to cell data of output for i in range(table.GetNumberOfColumns()): output.GetCellData().AddArray(table.GetColumn(i)) del(table) return 1 # NOTE: ALWAYS return 1 on pipeline methods
[docs] def RequestInformation(self, request, inInfo, outInfo): """Used by pipeline to set grid extents. """ # Call parent to handle time stuff netCDFReaderBase.RequestInformation(self, request, inInfo, outInfo) # Now set whole output extent if self.NeedToRead(): self._ReadUpFront() ext = self.GetExtent() info = outInfo.GetInformationObject(0) # Set WHOLE_EXTENT: This is absolutely necessary info.Set(vtk.vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline.WHOLE_EXTENT(), ext, 6) return 1
[docs] def SetSpacing(self, dx, dy, dz): """Set the spacing for each axial direction""" spac = (dx, dy, dz) if self.__spacing != spac: self.__spacing = spac self.Modified(readAgain=False)
[docs] def SetOrigin(self, ox, oy, oz): """Set the origin corner of the grid""" origin = (ox, oy, oz) if self.__origin != origin: self.__origin = origin self.Modified(readAgain=False)